Sarah Ruhl on Theatre Moms

She had one. She is one. She wrote a play for her mother to act in. Sarah’s Play “”For Peter Pan on her 70th Birthday” is for, based on, and will star her mother in a premiere at Chicago’s Shattered Globe Theatre. She’s speaking there tonight, and I can’t go because my baby #2 is still breastfeeding (the irony, I know). But here’s what we can celebrate – she’s one of my longtime theatre mama heroes (more on that later) – and here’s a beautiful excerpt from her interview today with the Chicago Tribune. It’s promising and stunning advocacy for #childreninthespace. Looks like it worked out pretty well for her, and I loved reading every detail about it. If anyone I know knows her, tell her thank you for being awesome and

sarah ruhl in the theatre

Keep bringing them along, mamas. Our children reap some wonderful adventures from it.


Auditioning Mom

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