VOTE – Equity Members Could Change Pay Scale


Here’s why this matters, mamas:

If it’s online, we’re more likely to do it. (VOTE for equity council). If we DO IT (vote for equity council), we have a say in who gets elected and the sort of issues that get put front and center for change, issues like Fair Wage Onstage. Check out the 8 activists running a slate to get on council for this very reason! Why is that issue so important that we should do it (vote for equity council)? Because Fair Wage Onstage is advocating for a historic increase in off-broadway wages based on overall budget, meaning that equity pay will have an increase and become a more livable wage (so you should definitely vote for equity council).

That liveable wage makes it more possible for we the parent-artists to afford off-Broadway work and childcare!

This (vote for equity council) is one small, indirect step in a very good direction. So VOTE for equity council!! They say you need to hear something 8-10 times before taking action and we’re at 6, so I’m going to say it a few more:

VOTE for equity council!

VOTE for equity council!

VOTE for equity council!

And the best way to make sure you do it (VOTE for equity council! yay – that’s 10!) is to be sure to change your voting preferences to online.


SO DO IT TODAY! Equity is all of us, and all of us can make a difference.

Check out the how-to meme again:


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